Secure Hybrid Beamforming for IRS-Assisted Millimeter Wave Systems

IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications(2023)

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This paper investigates the secure hybrid beamforming (HB) design in an intelligent reflecting surface (IRS) assisted millimeter-wave (mmWave) system, where an IRS is deployed to help the legitimate transmission from Alice to Bob under the eavesdropping of Eve. To protect the legitimate transmission, Alice employs HB to send both the information signal and the artificial noise, while the IRS employs passive beamforming (PB) to reconstruct the wireless environment. Aiming at the secrecy capacity (SC) maximization, the joint optimization of HB and PB is formulated as a non-convex problem with constant-modulus constraints. To efficiently solve such a challenging problem, the original problem is decomposed into a PB subproblem and an HB subproblem, then these subproblems are sequentially solved by the proposed algorithms. Particularly, for the PB subproblem, we propose a channel information aided PB algorithm, which is proved to converge at a stationary point. With the solution of PB subproblem, two algorithms are proposed for the HB subproblem: 1) near-optimal SC approaching HB algorithm that achieves a near-optimal solution; 2) low-complexity HB algorithm that achieves a slight lower SC with less computational complexity. Simulation results demonstrate the superior performance of proposed algorithms in comparison with the state-of-the-art works.
Millimeter wave,intelligent reflecting surface,hybrid beamforming,artificial noise,secure transmission
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