Ascending renal infection following experimental candiduria by Candida tropicalis in immunocompromised mice

Microbial pathogenesis(2023)

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The present study evaluated renal infection resulting from the implantation of C. tropicalis in the bladder of immunosuppressed mice. Yeasts were implanted in two manners: planktonic and via preformed biofilm on a small catheter fragment (SCF). Renal histopathology and cultures was performed 72 and 144 h after cystotomy was carried out in mice from three groups: group I contained non-contaminated mice implanted with a sterile SCF; group II mice received a sterile SCF plus a yeast suspension containing 1 × 107 yeasts/mL in a planktonic form; group III mice were implanted with a SCF containing preformed C. tropicalis biofilm. Viable yeasts were found in the kidneys of mice from both groups II and III. However, after 72 h the planktonic cells (group II) invaded more quickly than the sessile cells (group III). Over a longer period (144 h), group III exhibited a more invasive infection (50% of the animals presented renal infection and the renal fungal load was 3.2 log10 CFU/g tissue) than in group II, where yeasts were not found. C. tropicalis introduced into the bladder in two ways (in planktonic or biofilm form) were able to reach the kidney and establish a renal fungal infection, causing interstitial disorders. The data of the present study therefore support the hypothesis of an ascending pathway for renal infections by C. tropicalis. Furthermore, the biofilm resulted in a greater and progressive risk of renal infection, attributed to the slow detachment of the yeasts.
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Key words
Urinary tract infections,Candida spp,Candiduria,Bladder catheter,Biofilm
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