Operation of Plasma Focus Chamber as a Part of a Subkilojoule Pulsed Neutron Generator

D. I. Yurkov, V. A. Lavrenin, B. D. Lemeshko,Yu. V. Mikhailov, I. A. Prokuratov

Plasma Physics Reports(2023)

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Features of the neutron radiation generation by small plasma focus chambers when operating as a part of a subkilojoule neutron generator with a stored energy of 200 to 1000 J are considered. The discharge current amplitude through chambers ranged from 100 to 200 kA, which ensures the yield of neutrons with an energy of 2.5 MeV at a level of 10 5 –10 7 neutrons/pulse. Experimental studies of the optimal operation modes of chambers as a part of a subkilojoule generator to ensure the maximum level of the neutron yield are presented. The neutron yield stability is studied, in particular, it is shown that an Ar impurity with a partial pressure of 0.5–0.8 Torr in the chamber volume leads to a decrease in the relative standard deviation of the neutron yield in deuterium-filled plasma focus chambers.
plasma focus chamber,neutron,subkilojoule
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