Retraction Note: The relationship of double-stranded DNA breaks in blood lymphocytes and obesity without carbohydrate metabolism disorder

Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry(2023)

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of body mass index on DNA damage of lymphocytes in obese patients without carbohydrate metabolism disorder in the Kazakh population. Research design is based on a single-stage descriptive study. The sample included 239 patients aged 18–60 years. Among the participants, people with chronic decompensated diseases, with bad habits (smokers, drug users, drinkers) were excluded. Special attention was paid to the exclusion of diabetes mellitus to exclude the effect of hyperglycemia on DNA damage when forming the sample according to WHO criteria. The following were estimated: the diameter of the breaks (Foci dia, µm), the average number of γ-H 2 AX ( n ) foci detected per cell. The study of DNA damage of blood lymphocytes in individuals of the Kazakh population showed high rates of DSB with a BMI over 40 kg/m 2 . The number of breaks per cell in women is significantly higher than in men ( p = 0.004). The median test revealed a significant difference in the number of DSBs between different age groups ( χ 2 = 10.39, p = 0.0155). Obesity is now gaining momentum, so the study of the effect of body mass index on lymphocyte DNA damage in obese patients without impaired carbohydrate metabolism gives valuable results in the treatment of this disease.
Obesity,DNA damage,γ-H2AX,Blood lymphocytes,Gender
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