Enhancing diversity of clinical trial populations in multiple sclerosis.

Multiple sclerosis (Houndmills, Basingstoke, England)(2023)

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BACKGROUND:Demographic characteristics, social determinants of health (SDoH), health inequities, and health disparities substantially influence the general and disease-specific health outcomes of people with multiple sclerosis (MS). Participants in clinical trials do not represent all people with MS treated in practice. OBJECTIVE:To provide recommendations for enhancing diversity and inclusion in clinical trials in MS. METHODS:We held an international workshop under the Auspices of the International Advisory Committee on Clinical Trials in MS (the "Committee") to develop recommendations regarding diversity and inclusivity of participants of clinical trials in MS. Workshop attendees included members of the Committee as well as external participants. External participants were selected based on expertise in trials, SDoH, health equity and regulatory science, and diversity with respect to gender, race, ethnicity, and geography. RESULTS:Recommendations include use of diversity plans, community engagement and education, cultural competency training, biologically justified rather than templated eligibility criteria, adaptive designs that allow broadening of eligibility criteria over the course of a trial, and logistical and practical adjustments to reduce study participant burden. Investigators should report demographic and SDoH characteristics of participants. CONCLUSION:These recommendations provide sponsors and investigators with methods of improving diversity and inclusivity of clinical trial populations in MS.
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