Validation of a manual for children and teenagers with Chronic Kidney Disease in Mexican population


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Introduction: Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is one of the most frequent diseases in Mexican population. Due to the complexity of the treatment, patients often have difficulties managing their emotions and following medical and nutritional indications. Objective: Design and validate a psychological intervention manual for children and adolescents with CKD in order to improve adherence to treatment, psychological resources and quality of life. Methodology: A cross-sectional mixed methods study was carried out. Content validity was evaluated by expert judges using a Rubric for psychoeducational materials evaluation and the Scale of evaluation of the impact and characteristics of audiovisual messages. Results: High levels of agreement [96% to 99%] between judges were obtained, as well as several recommendations to improve the content of the manual. Conclusion: It is important to disseminate the manual and to evaluate its effectiveness in different hospital settings.
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Key words
Chronic kidney failure, children, adherence to treatment, quality of life
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