Optimisation of sampling and testing for asymptomatic olive trees infected by Xylella fastidiosa in Apulia region, Italy


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Early detection of Xylella fastidiosa outbreaks in Apulian olive groves is crucial, especially in buffer zones and pathogen-free areas where olive trees are asymptomatic. Three studies were conducted. Two were on the spatial and tempo-ral progression of X. fastidiosa infections in tree canopies of asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic olive trees of tolerant (`Leccino') and susceptible (`Cellina di Nardo' and `Ogliarola salentina') cultivars. Despite different trends in pathogen infection rates and concentrations between `Leccino' and susceptible olive cultivars over the study period, results showed that sampling was most effective in the mid-upper part of tree cano-pies throughout the year, excluding the warmest and coldest periods. Stem xylem tis-sues were the most appropriate for detecting the pathogen compared to lower parts of mature leaves with petioles, using serological and molecular assays. Based on these results, a third study was conducted to compare molecular and serological tests (qPCR, real-time LAMP, DAS-ELISA, DTBIA) for detection of X. fastidiosa in the mid-upper part of asymptomatic branches of infected `Leccino' trees that were sam-pled in an appropriate collection time, using stem xylem tissue as the most appropri-ate matrix for testing. The molecular methods showed the greatest sensitivity, with no undetermined results, while among the serological assays, DTBIA was more sensitive than DAS-ELISA. An improved protocol for monitoring asymptomatic olive trees is recommended.
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Plant matrices, diagnosis, qPCR, real-time LAMP, DAS-ELISA, DTBIA
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