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A geological and biostratigraphic study of the Paleozoic of the Malaguide Complex in the Cogollos Vega Zone (Granada) using conodonts


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A detailed geological characterization of the Malaguide Complex in the Cogollos Vega Zone has been made by integrating geological mapping, lithostratigraphy and structural analysis with conodont studies. The Falcona Formation constitutes an important guide-horizon to correlate different stratigraphic sections and to distinguish pre-Falcona and post-Falcona successions with slightly different facies and different ages: the first one is Devonian (Emsian, Frasnian and Famennian) and the second one Carboniferous (upper Visean-lower Serpukhovian). The Alpine structure of the area is determined by the presence of backthrusts associated with south-vergent folds that repeat the general stratigraphy and divide the Malaguide Complex into three tectonic units. These structures are systematically cut by (mainly NW-SE oriented) normal and dextral strike-slip faults. Preliminary Colour Alteration Index (CAI) and micro-textural studies of conodontal elements have revealed interesting differences between the tectonic units present in the area, which should be the subject of a more detailed study.
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