Distinctive Ent Features in Aeromedical Expertise for Air Traffic Controllers


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Introduction European Union Commission Regulation no. 340 from 20 February 2015 stipulates the conditions for issuing, validity, revalidation and renewal of medical certificates required to exercise the privileges associated with Air Traffic Controlling License at European level. Each Member State ensures the implementation of the regulatory measures developed by the European Commission through the national specialized agency - the Civil Aviation Authority. Material and Method Although the development of a common set of medical requirements at European level for the selection and periodic examination of air traffic controllers was a great achievement in aeronautical medicine, the actual implementation for each member nation was a real challenge. "Aeromedical ENT (ear, nose, and throat) Assessment" represents a mandatory set of requirements and clinical tests of an applicant from the ENT point of view, based on the medical history of that person and the aero-medical examinations requested in the Regulation. The role of this ENT assessment in flight safety is fundamental, considering the particularities of the air traffic controller's workplace. Results and Conclusions The authors would like to present the difficulties encountered with the initial stages of the implementation of Aeromedical ENT Assessment, the solutions to the operational problems identified between 2015 and 2018 and the recommendations to modify the medical standards of expertise, from the perspective of the ENT specialist.
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Key words
ENT Assessment, aeromedical expertise, air traffic controller
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