Effects of magnetism and electromagnetic fields on animals: A short review

Attila Zsarnovszky, Csaba Szabo, Yersain Kabdullin,David Sandor Kiss


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The material world in which we live consists of particles whose structure is determined by charge holding elementary particles and the electromagnetic field (EMF) generated by the positive or negative charge of these particles. Thus, all chemical and physical attributes of the matter, including atoms, smaller molecules and large biomolecules, are determined and depending on the interaction of matter and the EMF. Therefore, it is safe to say that interactions between molecules could be altered by changes in the electromagnetic environment, latter which is being confluent, unlike the material objects with sharp boundaries. Matter and EMF are inseparable. On the basis of this logic, biochemical reactions (along with health) and EMF are likewise inseparable. Recognizing that we live in a continuously growing electric smog motivated this short collection and review of reports on the biological effects of EMF. The collection of the presented scientific experimental results revealed that there are considerable biological EMF effects already described; however, in the lack of a long-existing tradition of such EMF research, a systematic search and a pragmatic interpretation of the matter-EMF interactions, as determinants of the biological status of living organisms, has still not been born. Therefore, at present we do not yet have comprehensive studies that would present EMF effects observed at most levels of the entire organism. Recognition of this fact prompted us to collect the presented data in a way that presents results from different levels of the phylogenetic ladder, and group the collected studies based on the organs or organ systems that were in the focus of the given report. The summary of the collected experimental results underlines the importance of the simultaneous detection of EMF effects in as many regions of the organism as possible, and also reveals that currently available reports fail to discuss the biological impact of the distinct parameters of the EMF applied in the experiments.
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