A Facility Layout Algorithm for Logistics Scenarios Driven by Transport Lines

Fulin Jiang,Lin Li,Yiming Tang, Hailong Zhang,Xiaoping Liu


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The layout of facilities in a logistics scenario involves not only the working facilities responsible for processing materials but also the transport lines responsible for transporting materials. The traditional facility layout methods do not take into account the transportation facilities nor calculate the material handling cost by Manhattan distance, thus failing to fulfill the actual requirements of industrial logistics scenarios. In this paper, a facility layout algorithm framework MOSA-FD driven by transport lines is proposed. A multi-objective simulated annealing (MOSA) algorithm is designed for both material handling cost (MHC) and transport facility cost (TFC) objectives. Then, a force-directed (FD) algorithm is applied to correct the unreasonable solutions according to the material transport lines in the logistics workshop, and a better solution is quickly obtained. Finally, by comparing the results with those of other metaheuristic multi-objective algorithms, the acceleration of the force-directed algorithm in this layout problem is demonstrated in experimental instances of different scales, and our method, compared to the MOSA algorithm, can reach optimal ratios of 36% and 80%, respectively, on the multi-objective.
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Key words
logistics facilities layout problem, multi-objective optimization, force-directed algorithm, collaborative computing
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