Complement inhibitors: A global point of view

A. Pogossian,C. de Moreuil,C. Lemarie, B. Rouviere, M. Delplanque, B. Molina, L. Prophette,E. Le Moigne


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Innate immunity, and more specifically the complement system, has arised renewed interest in the medi-cal field in recent years. Many innovative complement-inhibiting drugs have appeared, acting at various levels of the complement cascade. These drugs have made it possible to transform poor prognosis of certain diseases. Many of them are currently being tested in clinical trials for various indications. Many questions appear about their optimal use and their future indications. This article recalls the fundamen-tal role of the complement system in the human organism. It then discusses the diseases in which the complement is involved on the pathophysiological level. The third part details the different classes of complement inhibitors and briefly recalls the indications for which these treatments seem the most pro-mising. Finally, we end with a discussion that highlights the different aspects and questions induced by these new treatments.(c) 2022 Societe Nationale Franc , aise de Medecine Interne (SNFMI). Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
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Key words
Complement, Complement inhibitor, Innovating
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