Two decades of mass-balance observations on Aldegondabreen, Spitsbergen: interannual variability and sensitivity to climate change


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Aldegondabreen is a relatively small (5.3 km(2)) land-terminating glacier located in Nordeskiold Land of Svalbard, similar to 10 km southwest of Barentsburg. Cumulative mass balance during 2002-20 equalled -21.79 m w.e., which corresponds to 37% of the total mass loss. The annual mass balance (B-a) varied from -0.24 to -2.19 m w.e., while the winter mass balance (B-w) ranged between 0.36 and 0.85 m w.e. B-a and B-w were strongly correlated with the positive degree-day sums and solid precipitation amounts, respectively, measured at the Barentsburg weather station. There was also a strong correlation (r = 0.76) between B-a and B-w, which shows that winter accumulation amplifies the consecutive summer ice melt by changing the surface albedo. The trend in both observational series is not detectable because the period from 2005 to 2013 was characterized by relatively high B-w and not very negative B-a values. This was also observed on the other Svalbard glaciers, and was related to prevailing north-westerly flows over Svalbard during the summer. Therefore, the decadal periodicity of the Aldegondabreen mass balance follows general archipelago patterns that are determined by regional-scale factors. Thus, the surface mass-balance time series, which is now the longest one in the central part of the Spitsbergen Island, is representative for the archipelago.
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Key words
spitsbergen,aldegondabreen,climate change,mass-balance
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