Inertial and anisotropic pressure effects on cross-field electron transport in low-temperature magnetized plasmas


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In this paper, a one-dimensional (1D) particle-in-cell Monte Carlo collision (PIC-MCC) model is developed to investigate the effects of anisotropic pressure and inertial terms due to non-Maxwellian velocity distribution functions on cross-field electron transport. The conservation of momentum is evaluated by taking the moments of the first-principles gas-kinetic equation. A steady-state discharge is obtained without any low-frequency ionization oscillations by considering an anomalous electron scattering profile. The results obtained from the 1D PIC-MCC model are compared with fluid models, including the quasi-neutral drift-diffusion (DD), non-neutral DD, and full fluid moment models. The discharge current obtained from the PIC-MCC model is in good agreement with the fluid models. The cross-field electron transport due to the inertial terms, i.e. the gradient of axial and azimuthal drift, is evaluated. Moreover, PIC-MCC simulation results show non-zero, anisotropic, off-diagonal pressure tensor terms due to asymmetric non-Maxwellian electron velocity distribution function, potentially contributing to cross-field electron transport.
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cross-field plasma discharge, low temperature plasmas, anomalous electron transport, anisotropic pressure, Monte Carlo collision, particle-in-cell, drift diffusion approximation
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