Use of dna analyzes for verifying the declared origin of scots pine (pinus sylvestris l.) reproductive material


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The purpose of this study was to investigate the possibilities of using objective methods of DNA analysis to verify the declared origin of reproductive material of Scots pine in terms of the Czech Republic. Monitoring of reproductive material identity was carried out during four years, i.e., from seed collection to transplanted plants production. Reference samples from the 40 sets of reproductive material were obtained, analyses of microsatellite markers were performed, and the genetic compositions of sets were compared after statistical processing. Altogether, DNA analyses were performed on 2390 samples of plant material from 10 selected sources of forest reproductive material (units of forest reproductive material). Seven optimally polymorphic markers with sufficient informative value were selected for the subsequent evaluation of the genetic structure of the monitored sets of Scots pine reproductive material by Bayesian clustering. Using the performed Structure analysis, the obtained profiles of 10 monitored units of reproductive material (4 sample sets from one units) of different origin were distinguishable from each other. Thus, these methodological procedures could be used in the state control systems to certify the origin of forest reproductive material and increase consumer protection of forest owners and nursery production in the Czech Republic. For more information see Summary at the end of the article.
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Key words
Scots pine, origin of forest reproductive material, genetic diversity, microsatellites
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