Pedagogical innovation in Geosciences from critical reading and pragmadialectic argumentation


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This paper is an action research result which emphasizes on the process from academic reading and writing training, targeted to scientists-teachers in Geoscience (Universidad Nacional de Rio Negro, Argentina), into transferences to educational practices. The research was focused on questioning the teachers ' approaches about formation, the educational practice and the reflection on critical reading and pragma-dialectic argumentation included in their subjects. The categories were: perspectives in disciplinary and interdisciplinary teaching, critical formation as teaching objective, feedback as a regulation mean of pedagogical practices and teaching evolution by means of their practices. Techniques were focus groups, interviews, and teachers ' practice stories. As a main result, the positive change in scientists-teachers regarding teaching, their incursion on the didactic design with some methodology steps and the reflexive practice stand out.
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teacher training, reflective teachers, university teaching, educational practice
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