"... do you remember your first lgtb assault?": an analysis of testimonies from lgtb people in the #mequeer movement


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Sexual orientation and gender identity continue to be obstacles to the promotion of LGTB wellbeing and social justice. This reality is reflected in the #MeQueer movement, where LGTB users give personal testimonies about situations of social bias or discrimination they have suffered in their daily lives. This work aims to analyse these experiences in order to identify the knowledge, beliefs and attitudes that are perpetuated in society regarding sexual orientation, gender identitiy and ex presion (SOGIE). A qualitative study was carried out using the interpretative research paradigm, employing a purposive or convenience sampling in which 635 tweets were selected. The results expose the existence of various false beliefs and erroneous knowledge related to sex roles, sexual behaviour and the reality of LGTB people. It also reflects the perpetuation of negative attitudes towards LGTB people in different spheres of society that manifest themselves both explicitly and hostile (e.g. physical aggressions) and implicitly and subtly (e.g. lack of recognition of LGTB rights). It is concluded that LGTB social bias and discrimination tends to take more subtle and difficult to identify forms due to the absence of any reference to sexual orientation or gender identity. It is considered necessary to train professionals in the field of social and health care and education in SOGIE.
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Twitter, LGTB, Social Networks, Discrimination
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