Assessing Performance of Martins’s and Sampson’s Formulae for Calculation of LDL-C in Indian Population: A Single Center Retrospective Study


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Various formulae had been derived to calculate the LDL-C from other lipid profile parameters to supplant the need for direct estimation. Martin’s, Sampson’s, and Cordova’s formulae are recently derived formulae for calculating LDL-C. However, no study has been undertaken till now to verify the newer formulae viz. Martins’s and Sampson’s in Indian population. The retrospective cross-sectional study was carried out after obtaining approval from the Institutional Ethics Committee on human subject research. The lipid profile data were collected for a period of 17 months from January 2020 to May 2021. The formulae proposed by Friedewald, Cordova, Anandaraja, Martin, and Sampson were used to assess calculated LDL-C. Intraclass correlations were performed to assess the effectiveness of each formula when compared with direct estimation. In our study, we observed that LDL-C calculated using Martin was observed to be closer to that of direct estimation. The bias observed was lowest for Martin’s formulae, followed by Sampson’s. Intraclass correlation analysis for absolute agreement demonstrated Cordova, Martin, and Sampson to have an average ICC > 0.9, with Martin, and Sampson having a p value < 0.05. Martin fared superior to other formulae in intraclass correlation in patients with LDL > 70. In patients with TG below 200 mg/dL, Martin, and Sampson had a significant correlation with comparable average ICC. However, in patients with TG > 300 mg/dL, Cordova appears to fare better than all other formulae. Our study demonstrated a distinctly superior performance of Martin’s formula over Friedewald’s formula in the Indian patient population.
LDL cholesterol,Martins’s formula,Sampson’s formula,Friedewald formula
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