Intraband absorption of GaAs cylindrical quantum dot with Kratzer confinement potential in the presence of external electric and magnetic fields

Gor Ts. Kharatyan, Eduard S. Hakobyan


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Theoretical investigation of the intraband transition in a cylindrical quantum dot with the Kratzer confining potential is considered in the presence of external electric and magnetic fields. The intraband linear absorption spectra have been calculated for GaAs cylindrical quantum dots with different sizes. Moreover, the behavior of the linear absorption spectra is observed for various regimes of magnetic quantization and depending on the strength of the electric field. The density probability of the electro has been presented depending on the value of the external electric field. It has been shown that the shift of electron localization area is asymmetric depending on the external electric field direction.
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Key words
Cylindrical Quantum Dot,Kratzer potential,electric field,magnetic field,intraband absorption,GaAs QD
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