Why fake death? Environmental and genetic control of tonic immobility in larval lacewings (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae).

Journal of insect science (Online)(2023)

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Tonic immobility is a passive antipredator strategy employed late in the predation sequence that may decrease individual mortality in prey animals. Here, we investigate how energetic state and genetic predisposition influence antipredator decision-making in green lacewing larvae, Chrysoperla plorabunda (Fitch), using simulated predatory encounters. We demonstrate that tonic immobility is a plastic response influenced by energetic resource limitation. Larvae exposed to 1 or 2 days of food deprivation initiate tonic immobility more often and with less physical provocation than individuals fed ad libitum. Recently molted individuals exposed to food deprivation, the individuals most energetically challenged, engage in tonic immobility at a higher rate than any other group. We also find that variation in antipredator strategy between individuals is partly the result of within-population genetic variation. We estimate the propensity to enter tonic immobility to have a broad-sense heritability of 0.502. Taken together our results suggest that larval lacewings under energetic stress are more likely to engage in tonic immobility. Yet, energetic state does not explain all within-population variation, as individuals can have a genetic predisposition for tonic immobility.
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Key words
larval lacewings,chrysopidae,neuroptera,genetic control
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