The distal fibular perforating axial flap for lateral malleolus coverage: an anatomical description and surgical technique

Surgical and radiologic anatomy : SRA(2023)

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Purpose Skin closure disorders in ankle surgery are a recurrent problem not only in traumatology but also in elective surgery. The aim of the study was to describe the anatomical basis of the fasciocutaneous vascularization of the lateral malleolus region to develop a posterior cover flap for the region. Methods We dissected ten fresh frozen specimens after arterial injection of an Indian ink preparation and individualized the perforating arteries. Their positions and diameters were collated. Then, the surgical technique was clinically applied for two different cases by transferring the fasciocutaneous flap posterior to the lateral malleolus to cover a loss of skin substance. Results There were in average 5 fibular perforators over the last 100 mm of the fibula. The average diameter of the first two perforating arteries was 0.6 ± 0.12 mm and 0.9 ± 0.25 mm, respectively, and the consistency of the latter makes it possible to produce a skin flap with anterior translation. This is an axial flap. Two patients were operated on using this technique. There was no necrosis of the posterior fibular flap and healing was achieved by the third post-operative week. Conclusion This study showed the presence of fibular perforating arteries with a high reproducibility of their dissection. This anatomical description served as the basis for the description of a new distal fibular perforating flap.
Fasciocutaneous flap,Ankle,Lateral malleolus,Perforating arteries
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