Railway Gate Automation Using Onboard Computing Techniques

S Surya, P Kausik, G Diyaneshwaran,R Raffik

2023 2nd International Conference on Advancements in Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computing and Automation (ICAECA)(2023)

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The automation of railway gates is a critical aspect of enhancing the safety and effectiveness of railway systems. To accomplish this, we suggest using an Arduino-based system that employs an IR sensor to identify incoming trains and send a signal to a motor driver to operate the railway gates. The IR sensor detects the presence of the train, which prompts the Arduino board to activate the motor driver to close the gate. After the train crosses another IR sensor, the IR sensor knows that the Train is leaving and gives a signal to the Arduino Uno to make the gate open. This system confirms that the railway gate is closed and opened without human beings, decreasing the cause of accidents, and improving the efficiency of whole railway operations. Because the use of Arduino technology in this project is cost-effective and easy to implement, it is a suitable solution for railway gate automation.
railway gate automation,Arduino Uno,onboard computing,accident prevention
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