The miR-23-27-24 clusters drive lipid-associated macrophage proliferation in obese adipose tissue

Cell reports(2023)

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Identifying molecular circuits that control adipose tissue macrophage (ATM) function is necessary to understand how ATMs contribute to tissue homeostasis and obesity-induced insulin resistance. In this study, we find that mice with a myeloid-specific knockout of the miR-23-27-24 clusters of microRNAs (miRNAs) gain less weight on a high-fat diet but exhibit worsened glucose and insulin tolerance. Analysis of ATMs from these mice shows selectively reduced numbers and proliferation of a recently reported subset of lipid-associated CD9Trem2 ATMs (lipid-associated macrophages [LAMs]). Leveraging the role of miRNAs to control networks of genes, we use RNA sequencing (RNA-seq), functional screens, and biochemical assays to identify candidate target transcripts that regulate proliferation-associated signaling. We determine that miR-23 directly targets the mRNA of Eif4ebp2, a gene that restricts protein synthesis and proliferation in macrophages. Altogether, our study demonstrates that control of proliferation of a protective subset of LAMs by noncoding RNAs contributes to protection against diet-induced obesity metabolic dysfunction.
microRNA,adipose tissue macrophage,obesity,diabetes,miR-23,miR-24,miR-27,Trem2
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