NCOD: Near-Optimum Video Compression for Object Detection.

Ardavan Elahi, Ali Falahati,Farhad Pakdaman,Mehdi Modarressi,Moncef Gabbouj


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With the emergence of technologies like smart cities, Internet of things (IoT), and 5G, the amount of produced visual data at the edges and remote nodes has exploded. Since for a considerable portion of the captured video the target is a machine learning task, rather than a human audience, transmission of videos in such applications requires efficient video compression tailored for machine vision. However, existing compression solutions are optimized for human vision. This paper presents a methodology to optimize an existing video compression standard, HEVC, for a machine vision task, Object Detection (OD). To this end, (1) a dataset of compressed videos, including several compression-ratios and their corresponding OD performance is collected to enable modeling, (2) A trade-off point (knee-point) between bitrate and OD performance is defined, that finds the point after which no major improvements will be achieved, (3) a set of features were extracted and studied to model this point, via a practical machine learning method. The resulting solution can predict the knee-point with MAE=1.28, resulting in a.Recall of only 0.012 and bitrate reduction of 86.56%, compared to OD with very high-quality video.
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Key words
Video coding,Video coding for machine (VCM),CRF,Object Detection,JND
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