Combined Aerial Cooperative Tethered Carrying and Path Planning for Quadrotors in Confined Environments.


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In this article, a novel aerial cooperative tethered carrying, and path planning framework is introduced with a special focus on applications in confined environments. The proposed work is aiming towards solving the path planning problem for the formation of two quadrotors, having a rope hanging below them and passing through or around obstacles. A novel composition mechanism is proposed, which simplifies the degrees of freedom of the combined aerial system and expresses the corresponding states in a compact form. Given the state of the composition, a dynamic body is generated that encapsulates the quadrotors-rope system and makes the procedure of collision checking between the system and the environment more efficient. By utilizing the above two abstractions, an RRT path planning scheme is implemented and a collision-free path for the formation is generated. This path is decomposed back to the quadrotors' desired positions that are fed to the Model Predictive Controller (MPC) for each one. The efficiency of the proposed framework is experimentally evaluated.
aerial cooperative tethered carrying,collision checking,collision-free path,combined aerial system,compact form,confined environments,corresponding states,degrees of freedom,dynamic body,novel composition mechanism,path planning framework,path planning problem,quadrotors-rope system,RRT path planning scheme
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