A novel simulation paradigm utilising MRI-derived phosphene maps for cortical prosthetic vision

Haozhe Zac Wang,Yan Tat Wong

Journal of neural engineering(2023)

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Objective. We developed a realistic simulation paradigm for cortical prosthetic vision and investigated whether we can improve visual performance using a novel clustering algorithm. Approach. Cortical visual prostheses have been developed to restore sight by stimulating the visual cortex. To investigate the visual experience, previous studies have used uniform phosphene maps, which may not accurately capture generated phosphene map distributions of implant recipients. The current simulation paradigm was based on the Human Connectome Project retinotopy dataset and the placement of implants on the cortices from magnetic resonance imaging scans. Five unique retinotopic maps were derived using this method. To improve performance on these retinotopic maps, we enabled head scanning and a density-based clustering algorithm was then used to relocate centroids of visual stimuli. The impact of these improvements on visual detection performance was tested. Using spatially evenly distributed maps as a control, we recruited ten subjects and evaluated their performance across five sessions on the Berkeley Rudimentary Visual Acuity test and the object recognition task. Main results. Performance on control maps is significantly better than on retinotopic maps in both tasks. Both head scanning and the clustering algorithm showed the potential of improving visual ability across multiple sessions in the object recognition task. Significance. The current paradigm is the first that simulates the experience of cortical prosthetic vision based on brain scans and implant placement, which captures the spatial distribution of phosphenes more realistically. Utilisation of evenly distributed maps may overestimate the performance that visual prosthetics can restore. This simulation paradigm could be used in clinical practice when making plans for where best to implant cortical visual prostheses.
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Key words
cortical prosthetic vision,phosphene maps,mri-derived
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