Explore the risk perception and evaluate the effectiveness of competency-based intervention (CBI) on knowledge and lifestyle changes among type 2 diabetes mellitus patients.

P Sivakumar,R Ramaiah,S H Alshahrani,E L Sampayan, S Vijayakrishnan, A Jothishanmugam, E M Pappiya, J Natarajan, J M V F Xavier, B Y Alshahrani, K Duraisamy, S Jothiprasad, R E Ahmed

European review for medical and pharmacological sciences(2023)

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This inferred that Competent Based Intervention (CBI) on knowledge and lifestyle changes administered to T2DM patients in the experimental group was found to be effective. Competent Based Intervention is a nursing intervention that is well accepted and adopted by patients and easily implemented by nurses. It can be included in the nursing curriculum. In-service education can be arranged once a month for staff nurses and faculty members regarding Competent Based Intervention. The Nurse educator should encourage the nurses to effectively utilize research evidence-based practice related to Competent Based Intervention for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Type 2 diabetes mellitus patients, Risk perception, Level of knowledge, Lifestyle changes, Competent Based Intervention, Mixed study
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