Conducting Eye Tracking Studies in Software Engineering - Methodology and Pipeline.

ICSE Companion(2023)

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This ICSE 2023 technical briefing is on state-of-the-art techniques to conduct eye tracking studies in software engineering. It is organized as a hands-on 180-minute briefing broken up into two 85-minute modules with a short break in between. The first module will teach participants the terminology and theories needed to understand eye tracking. The second will engage participants in hands-on groupwork to collect and analyze eye tracking data through a software pipeline. Our goal is to help participants one-on-one learn how to get starting using eye tracking to support their own research goals. Our team has been working with eye tracking for over 15 years. The briefing will be targeted towards researchers, practitioners, and educators. Our eye tracking software infrastructure, iTrace, will be demonstrated in person with several state-of-the-art eye trackers. Eye tracking is gaining a lot of traction in the community. We want to use the ICSE platform to communicate the current state-of-the-art (including limitations and workarounds) in a highly interactive setting starting from the theory, data collection, and processing pipeline. Sample data and scripts will be made available.
eye-tracking,empirical studies,program comprehension
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