The Influence of the Drone-Mounted Antenna Angular Position for Bistatic FL GPR Detection of Shallowly Buried Metallic Objects.


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Analysis of influence of antenna angles of bistatic forward-looking drone-mounted ground penetrating radar (FL GPR) on A-scan is examined in this paper through EM simulation. To detect shallowly buried metallic objects, scenarios with fixed transmitting and receiving antennas and different forward-looking angles, from 0 to 30 degree with step of 7.5 degree, are studied. Objects of interest are anti-personnel landmines considered to be fully metallic, placed in several positions between transmitter and receiver. The system is intended to operate in a microwave range of 0.6 GHz - 2.6 GHz. A Ricker waveform, which is the negative, normalized second derivative of a Gaussian waveform is used as transmitting signal. Signal reflections are recorded in the time domain. After filtering and time gating, only a signal reflected from buried landmine at a certain position is obtained and analyzed for different transmitting and receiving antennas angles.
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Bistatic radar,ground penetrating radar,radar signal processing,ultra wideband radar
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