Learning from the Wisdom of Crowds: Exploiting Similar Sessions for Session Search.

Yuhang Ye,Zhonghua Li,Zhicheng Dou,Yutao Zhu, Changwang Zhang, Shangquan Wu,Zhao Cao


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Search engines are essential internet services, enabling users to efficiently find the information they need. Session search employs users' session logs of queries to solve complex retrieval tasks, in which users search multiple times until interested documents are found. Most existing session search models focus on the contextual information within the current search, ignoring the evidence from historical search sessions. Considering the fact that many ongoing retrieval tasks should have already been carried out by other users with a similar intent, we argue that historical sessions with similar intents can help improve the accuracy of the current search task. We propose a novel Similar Session-enhanced Ranking (SSR) model to improve the session search performance using historical sessions with similar intents. Specifically, the candidate historical sessions are matched by query-level and session-level semantic similarity, and then query-level neighbor behaviors are aggregated by a Query-guided GNN (QGNN) while session-level neighbor behaviors are aggregated using the attention mechanism. Finally, we integrate the refined and aggregated historical neighbor information into the current search session. Experimental results on AOL and Tiangong-ST datasets show that our SSR model significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art models.
sessions search,similar sessions,crowds
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