Frequency constraint-based adversarial attack on deep neural networks for medical image classification.

Computers in biology and medicine(2023)

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The security of AI systems has gained significant attention in recent years, particularly in the medical diagnosis field. To develop a secure medical image classification system based on deep neural networks, it is crucial to design effective adversarial attacks that can embed hidden, malicious behaviors into the system. However, designing a unified attack method that can generate imperceptible attack samples with high content similarity and be applied to diverse medical image classification systems is challenging due to the diversity of medical imaging modalities and dimensionalities. Most existing attack methods are designed to attack natural image classification models, which inevitably corrupt the semantics of pixels by applying spatial perturbations. To address this issue, we propose a novel frequency constraint-based adversarial attack method capable of delivering attacks in various medical image classification tasks. Specially, our method introduces a frequency constraint to inject perturbation into high-frequency information while preserving low-frequency information to ensure content similarity. Our experiments include four public medical image datasets, including a 3D CT dataset, a 2D chest X-Ray image dataset, a 2D breast ultrasound dataset, and a 2D thyroid ultrasound dataset, which contain different imaging modalities and dimensionalities. The results demonstrate the superior performance of our model over other state-of-the-art adversarial attack methods for attacking medical image classification tasks on different imaging modalities and dimensionalities.
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