Unfolding the direct connectivity of the occipital cortex with the hypothalamic, septal and BNST nuclei of the human brain.

Brain research(2023)

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The hypothalamus plays essential roles in the human brain by regulating feeding, fear, aggression, reproductive behaviors, and autonomic activities. The septal nuclei and the bed nucleus of stria terminalis (BNST) are also known to be involved in control of autonomic, motivational, learning, emotional and associative processes in the human brain. Multiple animal dissection studies have revealed direct connectivity between central limbic gray matter nuclei and occipital cortex, particularly from the hypothalamic, septal and BNST nuclei. However, the detailed anatomy of this connectivity in the human brain has yet to be determined. The primary objective of this study was to explore the utility of high spatial and high angular resolution diffusion weighted tractography techniques for mapping the connectivity pathways between the occipital cortex and central limbic gray matter nuclei in the human brain. We studied 30 healthy adult human brains, delineated, and reconstructed the trajectory of the occipito-hypothalamic/septal/BNST for the first time in the human brain.
Diffusion weighted tractography, Hypothalamus, Bed nucleus of stria terminalis, Occipito-BNST, Occipito-hypothalamic, Occipito-septal, Limbic, Septal nuclei
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