Spin-Peierls instability of the U(1) Dirac spin liquid

arXiv (Cornell University)(2023)

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Quantum spin liquids are tantalizing phases of frustrated quantum magnets. A complicating factor in their realization and observation in materials is the ubiquitous presence of other degrees of freedom, in particular lattice distortion modes (phonons). These provide additional routes for relieving magnetic frustration, thereby possibly destabilizing spin-liquid ground states. In this work, we focus on triangular-lattice Heisenberg antiferromagnets, where recent numerical evidence suggests the presence of an extended U(1) Dirac spin liquid phase which is described by compact quantum electrodynamics in 2+1 dimensions (QED$_3$), featuring gapless spinons and monopoles as gauge excitations. Its low energy theory is believed to flow to a strongly-coupled fixed point with conformal symmetries. Using complementary perturbation theory and scaling arguments, we show that a symmetry-allowed coupling between (classical) finite-wavevector lattice distortions and monopole operators of the U(1) Dirac spin liquid generally induces a spin-Peierls instability towards a (confining) 12-site valence-bond solid state. We support our theoretical analysis with state-of-the-art density matrix renormalization group simulations. Away from the limit of static distortions, we demonstrate that the phonon energy gap establishes a parameter regime where the spin liquid is expected to be stable.
dirac spin-peierls liquid
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