Payment for Environmental Services: A critical review of schemes, concepts, and practice in Brazil.

The Science of the total environment(2023)

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The Payment for Environmental Services (PES) is often conceived through complex schemes without a clear definition of all concepts involved. This study presents the results of a systematic literature review on PES schemes in Brazil, accompanied by a critical assessment of their efficacy for potential environmental gains. The PES approaches were grouped into six categories based on the research focus, and those that were focused on PES policies were identified as the most studied. A particular emphasis has been given to the Amazon and Atlantic Forest biomes, where the ecosystem services studied were mostly centered on issues related to carbon and water, respectively. Approximately one-third of all schemes provided no clear definition of which ecosystem services are proposed for payment. In addition, the review showed no consensus among studies on the definition of services in similar schemes. Most schemes presented no payment system conditioned on the provision of environmental services. Furthermore, the review showed that the absence of clarity in the application of concepts may hinder the development of public policies to properly implement PES in Brazil. The conclusion is that standardizing terms used in the literature and in PES schemes is critical; therefore, the use of the Common International Classification of Ecosystem Services (CICES) as a reference is recommended to ensure clarity, objectivity and, more importantly, the expected environmental efficacy.
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