Teaching of drug disposition using physiologically based pharmacokinetic modeling software: GastroPlus as an educational tool


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Physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) modeling requires an understanding of chemical, physiologic, and pharmacokinetic principles. Active learning with PBPK modeling software (GastroPlus) may be useful to teach these scientific principles while also teaching software operation. To examine this issue, a graduate-level course was designed using learning objectives in science, software use, and PBPK model application. These objectives were taught through hands-on PBPK modeling to answer clinically relevant questions. Students demonstrated proficient use of software, based on their responses to these questions, and showed an improved understanding of scientific principles on a pre- and post-course assessment. These outcomes support the effectiveness of simultaneous teaching of interdependent software and science.
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biopharmaceutics,education,PBPK modeling,pharmacokinetics,teaching
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