Applications of Deep Learning in Medical Imaging: A Brief Review

2023 Advances in Science and Engineering Technology International Conferences (ASET)(2023)

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This study reviewed the applications of deep learning (DL) in medical imaging, including neuro, retinal, pulmonary, digital pathology, breast, and cardiac systems. Deep Learning solves many of the issues facing today's health care systems. DL has played a defining role in image classification, object detection, and segmentation. From the results, integrating deep learning algorithms into image analysis has enhanced the review of pulmonary medical images, digital pathology, neurologic oncology, chest radiography normalization, cancer detection among other applications. Nonetheless, small-scale medical datasets (which impedes training) emerge as a core issue affecting the generalisation and performance of deep learning.
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deep learning,medical imaging,cancer detection,retinal image analysis,pulmonary medical images,brain abnormalities
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