Influence of cultivar, environmental conditions, and fungicides on development of Phytophthora root rot and wilt on red raspberry

Crop Protection(2023)

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Phytophthora root rot and wilt (PRRW), caused by Phytophthora rubi and potentially other species of Phytophthora, is a destructive disease of raspberry in Canada and worldwide. In this study, trials were conducted over multiple years (2019-2022) in two fields, with pathogen (P. rubi) inoculated (PI) and naturally infested (NI) fields, to evaluate foliar and soil applied fungicides with different modes of action and application timings to manage PRRW. In addition, PRRW progress was also monitored in one PI field and four NI fields. In PI field plots, PPRW foliage and wilting symptoms appeared 6-8 weeks later and disease index was significantly (p < 0.0042) lower in the cultivar 'Cascade Bounty' than the cultivars 'Meeker' and 'Tulameen', indicating that 'Cascade Bounty' showed field tolerance to the disease. The efficacy of foliar fungicides (fosetyl-Al and phosphites) and soil-applied fungicides (oxathiapiprolin, metalaxyl-m, and cyazofamid) were assessed on susceptible cultivars at both sites. In PI plots, the fungicide treatments significantly enhanced (p = 0.01 to < 0.0001) numbers of primocanes and floricanes, as well as weight, percent witling index, and fruit yield of floricanes. Soil application of a tank mix or rotation of oxathiapiprolin and metalaxyl-m, and alternating these products with cyazofamid, was more effective compared to other fungicides in reducing PRRW and improving plant vigor. Our study identified effective fungicide treatment options for PRRW, allowing growers to alternate new chemistries with currently registered fungicides to reduce the risk of fungicide resistance development.
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Key words
Epidemiology,fungicides,Phytophthora rubi,Raspberry,Resistance management
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