Long Noncoding RNA VPS9D1-AS1 Sequesters microRNA-525-5p to Promote the Oncogenicity of Colorectal Cancer Cells by Upregulating HMGA1 [Retraction]

Cancer Management and Research(2023)

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Liu H, Zhang X, Jin X, et al. Cancer Manag Res. 2020;12:9915–9928. We, the Editor and Publisher of Cancer Management and Therapy are retracting the published article. Since publication, concerns have been raised about the duplication of images in this article with those from other unrelated articles. Specifically, The image from Figure 1I, HCT116, si-NC, has been duplicated with the image from Figure 1H, Saos-2, si-NC, from He J, Guan J, Liao S, et al. Long Noncoding RNA CCDC144NL-AS1 Promotes the Oncogenicity of Osteosarcoma by Acting as a Molecular Sponge for microRNA-490-3p and Thereby Increasing HMGA2 Expression. Onco Targets Ther. 2021;14:1–13. https://doi.org/10.2147/OTT.S280912. When approached for an explanation, the authors have been unable to address the concerns raised and have not been able to provide sufficient original data from their study. As verifying the validity of published work is core to the integrity of the scholarly record, we are therefore retracting the article. The authors listed in this publication have been informed. We have been informed in our decision-making by our editorial policies and the COPE guidelines. The retracted article will remain online to maintain the scholarly record, but it will be digitally watermarked on each page as “Retracted”.
vps9d1 antisense rna 1,colorectal cancer,competing endogenous rna model,therapeutic target
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