Ecological distribution of anaerobic granular sludge towards efficient anaerobic reactor.

Bioresource technology(2023)

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Anaerobic reactors often underperform compared to expectations. To identify the key factors, an ecological anaerobic reactor (EAR) with vertical partitions was developed and compared to a physical anaerobic reactor (PAR) as the control. It was observed that EAR achieved a much higher organic loading rate (OLR) compared to PAR (>100 vs 45 kg/m3·d). The different vertical distribution characteristics of anaerobic granular sludge could be ascribed to two vertical distribution patterns dominated in EAR and PAR, i.e., ecological and physical distributions. It was revealed that ecological distribution was formed by the habitat selection, resulting in promoted substrate availability and higher OLR. While physical distribution was mainly affected by hydraulic selection via granule settleability, causing declined substrate availability and lower OLR. Consequently, the promoted ecological distribution and weakened hydraulic selection in EAR contributed to its good performance. Overall, these findings could offer novel concepts for the development of reactors towards high performance.
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