Dry season aerosol iron solubility in tropical northern Australia


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Abstract. Marine nitrogen fixation is co-limited by the supply of iron and phosphorus in large areas of the global ocean. Up to 75 % of marine nitrogen fixation may be limited by iron supply due to the relatively high iron requirements of planktonic diazotrophs (Berman-Frank et al., 2001). The deposition of soluble aerosol iron can initiate nitrogen fixation and trigger toxic algal blooms in nitrate-poor tropical waters. There is a large variability in estimates of soluble iron, related to the mixing of aerosol iron sources. Most studies assume that mineral dust represents the primary source of soluble iron in the atmosphere. However, seasonal biomass burning in tropical regions is a potential source of aerosol iron that could explain the large variability of soluble iron in those regions. To investigate aerosol iron sources to the adjacent tropical waters of Australia, the fractional solubility of aerosol iron was determined during the Savannah Fires in the Early Dry Season (SAFIRED) campaign at Gunn Point, Northern Territory, Australia during the dry season in 2014. The source of particulate matter less than 10 µm (PM10) aerosol iron was a mixture of mineral dust, fresh biomass burning aerosol, sea spray and anthropogenic pollution. The mean soluble and total aerosol iron concentrations were 40 and 500 ng m−3 respectively. Fractional Fe solubility was relativity high for the majority of the campaign and averaged 8 % but dropped to 3 % during the largest and most proximal fire event. Fractional Fe solubility and proxies for biomass burning (elemental carbon, levoglucosan, oxalate and carbon monoxide) were unrelated throughout the campaign. An explanation of the lack of correlation between fractional Fe solubility and elemental carbon at the biomass burning source is due to the physical properties of elemental carbon, i.e., fresh elemental carbon aerosols are initially hydrophobic, however they can disperse in water after aging and coating with water soluble species in the atmosphere. Combustion aerosols are thought to have a high factional Fe solubility, which can increase during atmospheric transport from the source. Although, biomass burning derived particles may not be a direct source of soluble iron, they can act indirectly as a surface for aerosols iron to bind during atmospheric transport and subsequently be released to the ocean upon deposition. In addition, biomass burning derived aerosols can indirectly impact the fractional solubility of mineral dust. Fractional Fe solubility was highest during dust events at Gunn Point, and could have been enhanced by mixing with biomass burning derived aerosols. Iron in dust may be more soluble in the tropics compared to higher latitudes due to the presence higher concentrations of biomass burring derived reactive organic species in the atmosphere, such as oxalate, and their potential to enhance the fractional Fe solubility of mineral dust. As the aerosol loading is dominated by biomass burning emissions over the tropical waters in the dry season, additions of biomass burning derived soluble iron could have harmful consequences for initiating nitrogen fixing toxic algal blooms. Future research is required to quantify biomass burning derived particle sources of soluble iron over tropical waters.
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