Vitamin A Deficiency Screening in Patients With Chronic Alcohol-Associated Liver Disease: Implications for Liver Transplant Candidates.

ACG case reports journal(2023)

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Chronic liver pathologies may lead to vitamin A deficiency (VAD) through impairment of vitamin A absorption, storage, and distribution. VAD can contribute to ocular pathologies, and in the article, we present 2 patients with alcohol-associated cirrhosis admitted for liver transplant presenting with nonhealing central corneal epithelial defects in the eye without other known ocular pathologies. Low serum vitamin A levels were detected in both patients. Vitamin A supplementation eventually helped corneal epithelial healing within days/weeks. We suggest that VAD be screened for in all liver transplant candidates even before ocular symptoms present. This may prevent more severe VAD ocular sequelae.
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Key words
liver transplant candidates,vitamin,alcohol-associated
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