Supported Noble Metal Catalysts and Adsorbents with Soft Lewis Acid Functions

Chemical record (New York, N.Y.)(2023)

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Heterogeneous noble metal catalysts exhibit various functions. Although their redox functions have been extensively studied, we focused on their soft Lewis acid functions. Supported Au, Pt, and Pd catalysts electrophilically attack the & pi;-electrons of soft bases such as alkynes, alkenes, and aromatic compounds to perform addition and substitution reactions. Hydroamination, intramolecular cyclization of alkynyl carboxylic acids, isomerization of allylic esters, vinyl exchange reactions, Wacker oxidation, and oxidative homocoupling of aromatics are introduced based on a discussion of the active species and reaction mechanisms. Furthermore, the adsorption of sulfur compounds, which are soft bases, onto the supported AuNPs is discussed. The adsorption and removal of 1,3-dimethyltrisulfane (DMTS), which is the compound responsible for the stale odor of "hine-ka" in alcoholic beverages, particularly Japanese sake, is described.
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Key words
noble metals,supported catalysts,adsorbents,soft Lewis acids,soft Lewis bases
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