To Binge Watch TV Series: How a Leisure Activity May Affect Sleep, Mood and Quality of Life

Psychology research and behavior management(2023)

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Objective: New TV-watching patterns increased the practice of binge-watching (BW). Considering the adaptive-maladaptive continuum of BW, the relationship between BW and health outcomes is still unclear. This study aimed to analyze some features of BW related to quality of life, focusing on sleep quality. Methods: Four-hundred eighty-two young adults were classified into four groups according to their BW approach. Then, sleep quality, mood, and quality of life were assessed. Results: All the investigated variables were associated with problematic and moderate BW. No differences emerged between BW as a leisure activity and not watching TV series. Moreover, quality of life is directly affected by BW. Conclusion: Accordingly, BW should be considered a continuum of behavioral patterns from a leisure activity characterized by positive outcomes to a maladaptive behavior characterized by negative outcomes for sleep, mood, and quality of life.
leisure activity,affect sleep,binge watch tv series,mood
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