Recent progresses in compound specific isotope analysis of halogenated persistent organic pollutants. Assessing the transformation of halogenated persistent organic pollutants at contaminated sites

The Science of the total environment(2023)

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Compound specific isotope analysis was extensively used to characterise the environmental processes associated with the abiotic and biotic transformation of persistent halogenated organic pollutants including those of contaminants of emerging concern (CECs). In the last years, the compound specific isotope analysis was applied as tool to evaluate the environmental fate and was expanded to larger molecules like brominated flame retardants and polychlorinated biphenyls. Multi-element (C, H, Cl, Br) CSIA methods have been also employed both in laboratory and field experiments. Nevertheless, despite the instrumental advances of isotope ratio mass spectrometers systems, the instrumental detection limit for gas chromatography-combustion-isotope ratio mass spectrometer (GC-C-IRMS) systems is challenging, especially when it is utilized to & delta;13C analysis. Liquid chromatography-combustion isotope ratio mass spectrometry methods are challenging, taking into consideration the chromatographic resolution required when analysing complex mixtures. For chiral contaminants, enantioselective stable isotope analysis (ESIA) has turned up as alternative approach but, up to now, it has been used for a limited number of compounds. Taking into consideration the occurrence of new emerging halogenated organic contaminants, new GC and LC methods for non-target screening using high resolution mass spectrometry are needed to be developed prior to the compound specific isotope analysis (CSIA) methods.
CSIA,Enrichment factors,Multidimensional isotope analysis,Extent of biodegradation
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