Laing and Rogers in London: An unfortunate meeting or something else?


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Background: In the summer of 1978 a large 1-day event was scheduled to take place in the Grand Ballroom at the Hilton Hotel in Park Lane, London between the psychotherapists Carl R. Rogers (1902-1987), and his associates, and Ronald D. Laing (1927-1989) and his group. From among all the eyewitness accounts of that meeting, I have found only the testimonies of Maureen O'Hara, Ian Cunningham, Charles Elliot, and Emmy van Deurzen. According to O'Hara, Laing behaved in a rude, impolite, and aggressive way toward his American colleague Rogers. For his part, Cunningham says that Rogers came over as he had expected: a genuinely nice, caring, humane person. Laing, though, was even more impressive in person than in his books. Similarly, Elliot observes that Laing and Rogers held a genuine encounter, one in which both sat like two real mutually respecting persons who asked each other questions, while the perspective of van Deurzen is more in line with that of O'Hara than that of Elliot. Aims: Taking into account the different versions given on the Laing-Rogers event, I will analyze whether this encounter was only an unfortunate meeting or something else. Methods: Narrative review; combining eyewitness accounts with the few sources found in the literature on this topic. Results/conclusions: As I will show here, all these accounts taken jointly paint a picture of Laing as a brilliant clinician and as a terrible man. Without exculpating Laing for committing all sorts of mischief, I will offer a tentative account of his behavior sustained by his own psychic dynamics. In doing so, I will attempt to explain why Laing reacted in so censurable a way, going beyond Thomas S. Szasz's (1920-2012) condemnation in his essay on antipsychiatry, which gives credence only to O'Hara's version without quoting more sources or posing more questions.
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