Clinical study of magnetic resonance imaging-based texture analysis and fasciculation of the lateral pterygoid muscle in young patients with temporomandibular disorder.

Oral surgery, oral medicine, oral pathology and oral radiology(2023)

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OBJECTIVE:We aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of clinical examination combined with texture analysis of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and fasciculation patterns of the lateral pterygoid muscle (LPM) in distinguishing among the different anatomic causes of temporomandibular disorder. METHODS:We divided the patients into four groups: healthy control (HC), disk without displacement (DWoD), disk displacement with reduction (DDWR), and disk displacement without reduction (DDWoR). Demographic information and clinical symptoms of patients in each group were recorded. LPM textures were compared among groups. LPM fasciculation was examined. P<0.05 indicated significant difference. RESULTS:Several clinical symptoms and signs, but not age or sex, differed significantly among groups. Oblique sagittal planar MRI revealed significant differences in the parameters of Angular Second Moment, Contrast, Correlation, Inverse Difference Moment, and Entropy between the healthy controls and the 3 patient groups. MRI of the patients, both without and with disk displacement, demonstrated relative uniformity in gray distribution and correlation of gray values, with greater complexity but an unclear texture and no obvious regularity. The proportion of type B LPM fascicles was significantly higher in the DDWR and DDWoR groups CONCLUSION: Temporomandibular disorder, without and with disk displacement, is associated with clinical symptoms and texture analysis values that differ from healthy muscle. The types of LPM fascicles are related to the position of the articular disk.
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