Sexological and traumatic aspects in reproductive difficulties: a psychometric study on couples seeking help for infertility

L. Tetecher, T. Cocchiaro, A. Guarino, T. Giannini, S. Maucione,M. Di Trani,R. Rago,G. Ciocca

Journal of Endocrinological Investigation(2024)

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Purpose To investigate the impact of infertility in gender differences on psycho-traumatological, sexological, relational and emotional aspects and gender differences in couples requiring assisted reproductive treatment. Methods 151 couples were recruited with a mean age of 36.7 ± 4.8 years for women and 39.8 ± 6.6f or men. 43% of women and 34% of men had already received the diagnosis of infertility. To recruited subjects was administered the following psychometric tests: Sexological and Emotional in Infertility questionnaire (SEIq), Arizona Sexual Experience Scale (ASEX), the Orgasmomether and the International Trauma Questionnaire (ITQ). Results There was a significant difference in traumatic symptoms between men and women (t = 5,859, p < 0.05). Gender differences were found in the sexological dimension of the SEIq (t = 7,858, p < .001) and in the total ASEX score (t = 3,979, p < .001). Specifically, significant correlations emerged between the ASEX domains and the emotional and sexological aspects related to infertility only in women. The reaction to the diagnosis was negatively correlated with the emotional area of ​​the couple (r = -0.683, p < .001) and positively with the couple relationship (r = 0.815, p < .001). Multiple regression revealed that the overall functioning of the couple, rather than the single scales, is the main predictor of sexuality (R 2 = 0.77). Conclusion A clear impact of infertility on the couple’s psycho-traumatological, psycho-sexological and relational aspects emerged. It could be useful to promote targeted support interventions on the most compromised areas of couple functioning in assisted reproductive centers.
Infertility,Sexuality,Post-traumatic stress disorder,Assisted reproductive treatment,Couple relationship emotions
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