Contribution of Native Plasmids of Pantoea vagans C9-1 to Epiphytic Fitness and Fire Blight Management on Apple and Pear Flowers and Fruits


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Pantoea vagans C9-1 (C9-1) is a biological control bacterium that is applied to apple and pear trees during bloom for suppression of fire blight, caused by Erwinia amylovora. Strain C9-1 has three megaplasmids: pPag1, pPag2, and pPag3. Prior bioinformatic studies predicted these megaplasmids have a role in environmental fitness and/or biocontrol efficacy. Plasmid pPag3 is part of the large Pantoea plasmid (LPP-1) group that is present in all Pantoea spp. and has been hypothesized to contribute to environmental colonization and persistence, while pPag2 is less common. We assessed fitness of C9-1 derivatives cured of pPag2 and/or pPag3 on pear and apple flowers and fruit in experimental orchards. We also assessed the ability of a C9-1 derivative lacking pPag3 to reduce populations of E. amylovora on flowers and disease incidence. Previously, we determined that tolerance to stresses imposed in vitro was compromised in derivatives of C9-1 lacking pPag2 and/or pPag3; however, in this study, the loss of pPag2 and/or pPag3 did not consistently reduce the fitness of C9-1 on flowers in orchards. Over the summer, pPag3 contributed to survival of C9-1 on developing apple and pear fruit in two of five trials, whereas loss of pPag2 did not significantly affect survival of C9-1. We also found that loss of pPag3 did not affect C9-1's ability to reduce E. amylovora populations or fire blight incidence on apple flowers. Our findings partially support prior hypotheses that LPP-1 in Pantoea species contributes to persistence on plant surfaces but questions whether LPP-1 facilitates host colonization.
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Erwinia herbicola,Malus,microbial ecology,Pantoea agglomerans,pome fruit,Pyrus,stigma
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