Perspectives of adolescents with neurofibromatosis 1 and cutaneous neurofibromas: Implications for clinical trials


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Background/Aims: More than 99% of individuals with neurofibromatosis 1 develop cutaneous neurofibromas, benign nerve sheath tumors that manifest as nodules on the skin. These cutaneous neurofibromas emerge with age, appearing most commonly in adolescence. Nevertheless, few data have been published on how adolescents with neurofibromatosis 1 feel about cutaneous neurofibromas. The purpose of this study was to assess the perspectives of adolescents with neurofibromatosis 1 and their caregivers regarding cutaneous neurofibroma morbidity, treatment options, and acceptable risks-benefits of treatment. Methods: An online survey was distributed through the world's largest NF registry. Eligibility criteria included self-reported neurofibromatosis 1 diagnosis, adolescent child ages 12-17 years, o1 cutaneous neurofibroma, and ability to read English. The survey was designed to collect details about the adolescent's cutaneous neurofibromas, views on morbidity related to cutaneous neurofibromas, social and emotional impact of cutaneous neurofibromas, communication regarding cutaneous neurofibromas, and views regarding current and potential future cutaneous neurofibroma treatment. Results: Survey respondents included 28 adolescents and 32 caregivers. Adolescents reported having several negative feelings about cutaneous neurofibromas, particularly feeling worried about the potential progression of their cutaneous neurofibromas (50%). Pruritus (34%), location (34%), appearance (31%), and number (31%) were the most bothersome cutaneous neurofibroma features. Topical medication (77%-96%), followed by oral medication (54%-93%), was the most preferred treatment modality. Adolescents and caregivers most often replied that cutaneous neurofibroma treatment should be initiated when cutaneous neurofibromas become bothersome. The majority of respondents were willing to treat cutaneous neurofibromas for at least 1 year (64%-75%). Adolescent and caregivers were least willing to risk pain (72%-78%) and nausea/vomiting (59%-81%) as a cutaneous neurofibroma treatment side effect. Conclusions: These data indicate that adolescents with neurofibromatosis 1 are negatively impacted by their cutaneous neurofibromas, and that both adolescents and their caregivers would be willing to try longer-term experimental treatments.
Neurofibromatosis type 1,cutaneous neurofibromas,adolescents,caregivers,treatment
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