FSTIF-UNet: a deep learning-based method towards automatic segmentation of intracranial aneurysms in un-reconstructed 3D-RA.

Jianhua Zhang,Yan Zhao,Xinke Liu, Jincheng Jiang,Youxiang Li

IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics(2023)

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Segmentation of intracranial aneurysms (IAs) is an important step for the diagnosis and treatment of IAs. However, the process by which clinicians manually recognize and localize IAs is overly labor intensive. This study aims to develop a deep-learning-based framework (defined as FSTIF-UNet) towards IAs segmentation in un-reconstructed 3D Rotational Angiography (3D-RA) images. 3D-RA sequences from 300 patients with IAs from Beijing Tiantan Hospital are enrolled. Inspired by radiologists' clincial skills, a Skip-Review attention mechanism is proposed to repeatedly fuse the long-term spatiotemporal features of several images with the most obvious IA's features (sellected by a pre-detection network). Then, a Conv-LSTM is used to fuse the short-term spatiotemporal features of the selected 15 3D-RA images from the equally-spaced viewing angles. The combination of the two modules realizes the full-scale spatiotemporal information fusion of the 3D-RA sequence. FSTIF-UNet achieves DSC, IoU, Sens, Haus, and F1-Score of 0.9109, 0.8586, 0.9314, 1.358 and 0.8883, respectively, and time taken for network segmentation is 0.89s/case. The results show significant improvement in IA segmentation performance with FSTIF-UNet compared with baseline networks (with DSC from 0.8486 - 0.8794). The proposed FSTIF-UNet establishes a practical method to assist the radiologists in clinical diagnosis.
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Key words
Intracranial aneurysm,computer-aided diagnosis,automatic segmentation,deep learning
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